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Packing stationery when traveling

So I recently went on a holiday and it was my first time traveling with a decent amount of stationery and Im not gonna lie, It was quite a struggle to not pack the entirety of stationery and books that I own.

I did try to make it as minimal as I possibly could but my brain kept telling me, 'What if you are in the middle of a mall and you get an aesthetic receipt that you want to stick in your journal - this dot sticker will definitely save the day'. They were pretty light to carry so I remembered to keep a whole bunch of these with me 🥰

The Dot Sticker I used for affixing receipts and memorabilia 

I used my Delfonics Utility Pouch to pack all my stationery which also doubled up as my on-the-go cafe journaling pouch and I have nothing but great things to say about it !!!

So grab a snack or a beverage of your choice and click the video below to see all the stationery I packed for my trip ❤️


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